Monday, April 26, 2010

Montana Marie

Oh my have I been so blessed to be able to take Montana's photos. What a gorgeous baby. Her skin was like porcelain. Just a doll. Thanks Malarie for letting me photograph this precious time in your life.

Scott & Jessica

I was so fortunate to meet Scott and Jessica. We went out to the Bay City State Park for an engagement photo shoot. It went well although it was rather brisk. They are busy planning a June wedding. I am so excited for them and can't wait to be a part of their special day.

Baby Chase

I'm just loving these new baby shoots. They sure do take a long time to get baby happy and sleepy but it sure is worth it in the end. Oh and did I mention i just love new babies and their wonderful new smell. What a sweet heart Chase is. He sure is a keeper. Here's just a few of the proofs.